PipeWire 1.2.5
No Matches

The PipeWire device reservation utility


pw-reserve [options]


Reserves a device using the DBus org.freedesktop.ReserveDevice1 device reservation scheme [1], waiting until terminated by SIGINT or another signal.

It can also request other applications to release a device. This can be used to make audio servers such as PipeWire, Pulseaudio, JACK, or other applications that respect the device reservation protocol, to ignore a device, or to release a sound device they are already using so that it can be used by other applications.


-r | --release
Request any client currently holding the device to release it, and try to reserve it after that. If this option is not given and the device is already in use, pw-reserve will exit with error status.
-n NAME | --name=NAME

Name of the device to reserve. By convention, this is

  • AudioN: for ALSA card number N

pw-reserve can reserve any device name, however PipeWire does not currently support other values than listed above.

-a NAME | --appname=NAME
Application name to use when reserving the device.
-p PRIO | --priority=PRIO
Priority to use when reserving the device.
-m | --monitor
Monitor reservations of a given device, instead of reserving it.
-h | --help
Show help.
Show version information.


If the device reservation succeeds, pw-reserve does not exit until terminated with a signal. It exits with status 0 if terminated by SIGINT or SIGTERM in this case.

Otherwise, it exits with nonzero exit status.


pw-reserve -n Audio0

Reserve ALSA card 0, and exit with error if it is already reserved.

pw-reserve -n Audio0 -r

Reserve ALSA card 0, requesting any applications that have reserved the device to release it for us.


The PipeWire Developers <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pipewire/pipewire/issues>; PipeWire is available from <https://pipewire.org>


[1] https://git.0pointer.net/reserve.git/tree/reserve.txt - A simple device reservation scheme with DBus