PipeWire 1.2.7
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log.h File Reference

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#define PW_LOG_TOPIC_DEFINE_STATIC(var, topic)
 Define a static spa_log_topic and its constructor/destructor functions.
#define PW_LOG_TOPIC_STATIC(var, topic)
 Declare a static log topic named var.
#define PW_LOG_TOPIC_EXTERN(var)    extern struct spa_log_topic * const var
 Declare a static log topic named var.
#define PW_LOG_TOPIC(var, topic)
 Declare a static log topic named var.
#define PW_LOG_TOPIC_INIT(var)    spa_log_topic_init(pw_log_get(), var);
#define pw_log_level_enabled(lev)   (pw_log_level >= (lev))
 Check if a loglevel is enabled.
#define pw_log_topic_enabled(lev, t)   ((t) && (t)->has_custom_level ? (t)->level >= (lev) : pw_log_level_enabled((lev)))
#define pw_log_topic_custom_enabled(lev, t)   ((t) && (t)->has_custom_level && (t)->level >= (lev))
#define pw_logtv(lev, topic, fmt, ap)
#define pw_logt(lev, topic, ...)
#define pw_log(lev, ...)   pw_logt(lev,PW_LOG_TOPIC_DEFAULT,__VA_ARGS__)
#define pw_log_error(...)   pw_log(SPA_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,__VA_ARGS__)
#define pw_log_warn(...)   pw_log(SPA_LOG_LEVEL_WARN,__VA_ARGS__)
#define pw_log_info(...)   pw_log(SPA_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,__VA_ARGS__)
#define pw_log_debug(...)   pw_log(SPA_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,__VA_ARGS__)
#define pw_log_trace(...)   pw_log(SPA_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE,__VA_ARGS__)
#define pw_logt_error(t, ...)   pw_logt(SPA_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,t,__VA_ARGS__)
#define pw_logt_warn(t, ...)   pw_logt(SPA_LOG_LEVEL_WARN,t,__VA_ARGS__)
#define pw_logt_info(t, ...)   pw_logt(SPA_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,t,__VA_ARGS__)
#define pw_logt_debug(t, ...)   pw_logt(SPA_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,t,__VA_ARGS__)
#define pw_logt_trace(t, ...)   pw_logt(SPA_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE,t,__VA_ARGS__)
#define pw_log_trace_fp(...)   pw_log(SPA_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE,__VA_ARGS__)


void pw_log_set (struct spa_log *log)
 Configure a logging module.
struct spa_logpw_log_get (void)
 Get the log interface.
void pw_log_set_level (enum spa_log_level level)
 Configure the logging level.
int pw_log_set_level_string (const char *str)
 Configure the logging level using a string in PIPEWIRE_DEBUG format.
void pw_log_logt (enum spa_log_level level, const struct spa_log_topic *topic, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *fmt,...)
 Log a message for a topic.
void pw_log_logtv (enum spa_log_level level, const struct spa_log_topic *topic, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *fmt, va_list args)
 Log a message for a topic.
void pw_log_log (enum spa_log_level level, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *fmt,...)
 Log a message for the default topic.
void pw_log_logv (enum spa_log_level level, const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *fmt, va_list args)
 Log a message for the default topic.
void pw_log_topic_register (struct spa_log_topic *t)
 Register log topic with the logger, to enable dynamic log levels.
void pw_log_topic_unregister (struct spa_log_topic *t)
 Unregister log topic.


enum spa_log_level pw_log_level
 The global log level.
struct spa_log_topic *const PW_LOG_TOPIC_DEFAULT

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